The initial overview of this article provided an introduction to the concept of browsing the rooms in order to find a seat at the table you want. This is the essence of the instant payment poker technique which enables the player to instantly confirm if there is a seat at the table to which he/she wants to belong. The method becomes interesting when we are able to visualize the “seat” arrangement beforehand.
As an example we shall consider the poker hand which departs from the Sklansky small pocket pairs, Q-7, which is known nowadays as the slow played hand. If we load this hand into our poker calculator as if we were playing it in a live game the VPIP of our poker calculator would be somewhere near that of 70%, which is pretty high. In other words, at the instant we decide to prepare our poker calculator for a sit and go tournament the VPIP of the poker calculator thinks that the hand is probably strong enough that it should include it in our calculations.
If we would like to analyze the characteristics of the hand within the instant we would have chosen a random hand, the calculator will hesitation us as it is not possible to associate a specific hand with a specific opponent. In this case we would have to wait for the hand to be divided into the Sklansky grouped hands and the invested poker calculator to run its analysis. This could take up to one hour. If we were however interested in instantaneous decisions we would have to wait until the next complete hand before the poker calculator could grab its latest instant decision.
Pocket pairs, referred to in the Sklansky group as the “slow played hand”, are not studied in many poker books, but it is an important point to cover in our education of poker. The quick path would have been to separate the hand into the Sklansky hands, the invested poker calculator to fly-by-night visual groups, and the poker calculator to adhere to no particular number patterns. However, such a route would have been losing money, and the embedded algorithm could not be trusted.
So, what can we do instead? We can follow the lead of the good poker players and use a little logic together with a little experience in knowing when to act and when to wait. Let’s say we want to know, which hand can you rathermost likelyflush out on the flop?. If it is a low pair, the answer is 8.4%. Or if it is a high pair, the answer is less than 8.4%.
Now this change of heart is absolutely normal, because poker is a game of statistics. There are certain hands that are more or less likely to win a game. And these hands are grouped into a group known as “Hk Live Draw“. The low pairs can be grouped into the following groups: AQ, KQ, JJ, TT, and AK. The ones in the middle are probably hands that would make a low or high pair. The numbers might be estimations just like numerologists’ predictions are pieces of their humanity. Having a group would make it easier to remember which hand we are dealing with. This is in fact a very good idea. The next time you see a pro on TV give a hand like pocket Q’s it might not be a good idea to try and make a quick decision just because you see a pro do so.
Actually, the next time you see a pro on TV you might want to shout out Q’s just to see if he believes us. I imagine he doesn’t, because if he did, than so might you. That is the thing about luck, everyone has it and it isn’t always about probability.
A few numbers are involved in every hand and there is a clear cutoff between the hands that can be played by either yourself or another person. If you’re serious about being professional there is an obvious solution, you will have to develop your own way to get better at certain aspects of your game. You might have Q’s or K’s or even A’s, if they’re sixes or less, and especially if they’re suited. Instead of jumping to an obvious conclusion based on face to face evidence, you should have the ambition to study history and methodology of the game, but most of all you just have to know the fundamentals.
We will be discussing early/middle/late position turning tables soon, so keep that in mind as you look at how this relates to suited cards later in the article. Early position is when you are the one directing the action, middle position is when you are either acting behind or in-Between the players being dealt cards, and late position is when you are one of the players being dealt cards.
The same theory applies to having suited cards. Suited cards win half the time if there are no flush cards present, and lose half the time if there are.